Shane Herbst and Simon Allison, 'Breaking the Hague-Visby Rules' silence on choice of law and forum clauses' [2024] 1 Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 106.
SSRN Preprint
Curtin espace
LMCLQ website PDF
Shane Herbst, John Minas and Simon Allison, 'Running on Empty: Australian State Fiscal Powers after Vanderstock' (2024) 52 Australian Business Law Review 246.
Simon Allison, Submission to the Cth AG, Consultation to inform options for implementing the Model Law on Electronic Transferable Records in Australia (MLETR) (October 2024)
MLETR Conultation
Simon Allison and John Minas, 'Liability for False Imprisonment and Judicial Immunity in Australia's Federal Court System' (2024) 83(1) Cambridge Law Journal 33.
Simon Allison, Strangers in the Wind: How Private Contract Law is Making Public Law of the Sea Work (Presentation to Cambridge Festival of Ideas, 24 September 2015)
As part of the Cambridge Festival of Ideas, Simon was a member of the panel on "Claiming rights at sea: sovereign and private negotiations” discussing 'recent calamities of migrants at sea have raised the public awareness of inadequacies in the maritime governance framework for international and national responsibilities for safe passage. Experts in maritime history and international relations explore interactions among state and societal actors in providing order and rights for seafarers and innovative diplomatic and legal approaches'.
Simon's presentation examined how the standard form contract GUARDCON has aided in bringing order to the use of private armed guards on commercial ships. While the enforcement of law of the sea norms on an international plane is frustrated by issues concerning state responsibility and dispute settlement, private contract law may be capable of anchoring such norms as binding and enforceable obligations between private parties.
Simon Allison, 'Knowing Me, Knowing You: What’s the Matter with Section 21(1)(b) of the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth)?' (2023) 32 Insurance Law Journal 128.
Simon Allison, Knowing Me, Knowing You: What’s the Matter with Section 21(1)(b) of the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth)? (Speech to the 2023 Australian Insurance Law Association Masterclass "Insurance Gangnam Style", Perth).
Simon Allison, The Use of Force by Non-State Actors on the High Seas: Public and Private Responses (PhD Disseration, University of Cambridge, Queens' College, 2020), supervised by Prof Christine Gray, Dr Michael Waibel, Prof Eyal Benvenisti (DOI).
Apollo Cambridge Repository
Simon Allison, Salvage Companies and Protection of the Marine Environment: Time to Pay the Piper? (MPhil Disseration, University of Western Australia, January 2015), supervised by Prof Erika Techera and A/Prof David Hodgkinson.
Simon Allison, Salvage Companies and Protection of the Marine Environment: Time to Pay the Piper? (MPhil Disseration, University of Western Australia, 2015), contributes to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Simon Allison, Kanaga Dharmananda SC, 'Incorporating Arbitration Clauses: The Sacrifice of Consistency at the Altar of Experience' (2014) 30(2) Arbitration International 265 (Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the London Court of International Arbitration).
Simon Allison, Kanaga Dharmananda, 'Party Crashers: Issues in Identifying Parties and others Bound by Arbitration Agreements' (2022) 38(3) Arbitration International 151 (Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the London Court of International Arbitration).
Oxford Academic
Curtin espace
SSRN Preprint
Simon Allison,'Choice of Law and Forum Clauses in Shipping Documents - Revising Section 11 of the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1991 (Cth)' (2014) 40(3) Monash University Law Review 639.
Austlii PDF
Curtin espace
H&M Imports v Dateline Transam Ltd [2022] TOSC 53 (Citation).
Simon Allison, 'Navigating between Freedom of Contract and LLMC 1976: The Cape Bari' [2016] Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 495.
About Simon
Simon is an Associate Lecturer within the Curtin Law School. Simon holds a PhD in Law from the University of Cambridge (Queens' College) and an MPhil (Law) and an LLB (Hons) from the University of Western Australia. Prior to academia, Simon explored his strong interest in public policy through work at both State (WA) and Commonwealth government levels. This equipped Simon with a strong understanding of policy development from a political/governmental perspective appreciating the various drivers and processes that lead to, and ultimately influence, legislative change.
Simon has a keen research interest in the relationship between public policy and international commercial arrangements and the consequences for the resolution of disputes through courts and international commercial arbitration. His LLB thesis considered the operation of mandatory rules in the Australian carriage of goods by sea regime to the settlement of disputes. His MPhil (Law) dissertation looked at the role of private maritime salvage law in preventing catastrophic marine pollution. As part of his PhD at Cambridge, Simon investigated the regulation of private security companies involved in safeguarding the transit of commercial vessels. This emphasised the role of contractual networks and shipping insurance arrangements in the transmission and enforcement of public policy related norms concerning human rights and law of the sea.
Simon's teaching experience, research expertise and output related to areas of tort law, insurance law, public and private international law (arbitration and conflict of laws), domestic conflict of laws, applied contract law, legal history, and, underwriting and liability insurance.
Cambridge Australia Poynton Scholarship (Cambridge Australia Scholarships and the Cambridge Trust October 2014): The Cambridge Australia Poynton Scholarship fund offers scholarships for outstanding Australian students who wish to carry out PhD research at the University of Cambridge.
Queens' College Research Grant (Queens' College, Cambridge (Cambridge, GB).
Australian Postgraduate Award (The University of Western Australia August 2013).
Jean Rogerson Honours Studentship (Faculty of Law, University of Western Australia May 2012): The studentship was established in honour of Miss Jean Rogerson MBE, BSC, ARACI. The studentships are awarded on the recommendation of the Faculty of Law Honours Committee to the students achieving the best qualifying performance for entry to the honours programme.
Thomson Reuters Prize in Contract Law (Faculty of Law, University of Western Australia May 2011): Awarded to the student with the highest aggregate mark in LAWS1101 Contract I and LAWS1102 Contract II, completed in the same calendar year.
UWA Book Prize for International Commercial Arbitration (Faculty of Law, University of Western Australia May 2012): Awarded to the student with the highest aggregate mark in International Commercial Arbitration.
International Maritime Organization Internship
Simon Allison was attached as an intern at the International Maritime Organization (IMO), a specialized agency of the United Nations, from 2 to 27 February 2015 as part of his research on "The Use of Force by Non-State Actors on the High Seas: Public and Private Perspectives", and the work of the IMO in relation to maritime security and the coordination of policy development with respect to the piracy and armed robbery against ships, including the engagement by ships of privately contracted armed security personnel (PCASP). His research focused on how the IMO facilitated discussion between various governmental and industry groups, including flag states, port and coastal states, shipping representatives and other interested intergovernmental and nongovernmental organizations to obtain important policy outcomes in this contentious area.
Dr Allison observed the Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Construction (SDC), 2nd session and the Sub-Committee on Human Element, Training and Watchkeeping (HTW), 2nd session, as well as having access to the IMO Maritime Knowledge Centre, to examine documents and meet members of the Secretariat.
Judicial Recognition
'Choice of Law and Forum Clauses in Shipping Documents' (Monash University Law Review) was cited by the Supreme Court of Tonga in H&M Imports v Dateline Transam Ltd [2022] TOSC 53.
Cambridge is dream come true for three UWA graduates
(University of Western Australia (UWA) Media)
Law Reform
'Choice of Law and Forum Clauses in Shipping Documents — Revising Section 11 of the Carriage of Goods By Sea Act 1991 (Cth)' (Monash University Law Review) cited by the Australian Maritime and Transport Arbitration Commission (AMTAC) submission to the Department of Transport Review into Section 11 of the Carriage of Goods By Sea Act 1991.
Dr Simon John Allison
Associate Lecturer, Curtin Law School